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Best iOS apps of 2014

When it comes to apps we are sort of the experts. One have to make apps to know which are the best! So after a little discussion about which are the best iOS apps of 2014, everyone named a few and we decided to make a list and share it with everyone. You’ve probably know most of these but hopefully we are going to surprise you and show you something new. Also as a bonus my painfully honest 1 sentence reviews.

So here it is! Our favorite apps of 2014


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You use it to  save articles, videos and more for later.


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vidra Vidra

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Vidra is a storytelling platform perfect for sharing ideas and making a pitch. Start-ups love this app because in 5 minutes you can upload your idea to youtube as a animated explainer video.

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“So yeah, we tried Slack …” While lots of people hate change this one is for the best.  This is what communication should be like! Definitely a “Best iOS apps of 2014” material.


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We use it to manage our projects but it could be used for almost everything.


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One of the best GTD apps. We love it !

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pngCity Maps 2Go

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Basicaly what you use when you are traveling and there is no 3G. Offline maps comes very handy.

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The best password manager works perfectly with Touch ID.


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Makes you smarter! 😀 but not really … it’s fun though.


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The ultimate cheat tool! The reason why iPhones are not allowed in class 😀 Amazing tool…


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taximeTaxiME (Sofia Only)

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It works! If you want to get somewhere in Sofia it’s faster than UBER


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If you have lots of time and you wish to feel like you are learning a new language instead of loosing your time with a mindless game this is it!


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KhanAcademyKhan Academy

website   appstore →

Now for some serious learning. Strongly recommended! It’s never late to learn. We learn trough our entire life. There is an app but the website is where you can probably learn the most.


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primerGoogle Primer

website   appstore →

Teaches you marketing.


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Your personal magazine. The best out of your social network and stuff that interest you. Best way to start your morning is with cup of coffee and Flipboard.

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Yahoo_WeatherYahoo Weather

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Not that you go outside much but you have to know what the weather is like.


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Paper, Procreate and Pixelmator

Hard to say which one is the best.



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Design Award Winner 2013


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Design Award Winner 2012 and App of the Year


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Newest and has a mac version. This one is more Photoshop than drawing app but you can draw too. The app looks as if Apple designeed it. Just compare it with Keynote.


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Ohh well got to add it now that i mentioned it…


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Just kidding 😀 Keynote is awesome!


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This about summers “Best iOS apps of 2014” at least for us the team of Codemotion. 2014 was an awesome year for us here are the two apps we successfully released in 2014.


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You add a note (reminder) when you borrow or lend money or item from someone. You know … like the time I paid your lunch and you totally forgot about it.

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FreelyFreely – Time tracking

website   appstore →

That one is for freelancers. You track your time organize your projects and tasks and then send PDF invoices to your clients.











Thanks for reading and if you like these apps don’t forget to share !